Attracting patients with good dental marketing

A significant percentage of the adult population are reluctant to visit the dentist on a regular basis. Approximately 70% of patients suffer from a certain extent of dental anxiety, whilst approximately 5 to 10% of adults in the country have a dental phobia and avoid the dentist altogether until it is an emergency situation. When nervous patients find your website you need to have a dental marketing strategy in place which shows them that you are a friendly and highly professional local dental practice. It needs to demonstrate you can provide best quality dental care and excellent customer service, helping to reduce and eventually eliminate their fear of dentists. Speak to us at Dental Focus Marketing today. We will help you put together a strong dental marketing campaign which builds brand awareness and trust and credibility within your community.

Stand out from the crowd

There are multiple dental practices available in each geographical vicinity and it is important that you have a dental marketing campaign which helps you stand out from amongst the crowd. You need to be able to show patients why they should choose you to undergo dental treatment rather than one of the other dental practices in your area. Here at Dental Focus Marketing we use the 7Ps of dental marketing to make sure that you have a bespoke dental marketing campaign that can help patients differentiate you from amongst the other dental practices nearby. We will make sure that your website attracts quality patients who are interested in the treatments and procedures you have to offer, but also those patients who have not visited the dentist for a long time who need to address their dental needs to prevent further complications in the future. You need a strong online presence to make sure that patients are able to find you quickly and easily. They need to be directed to you automatically when searching for dental information or looking to address their dental needs.

Search engine optimisation

You require a user-friendly, modern and bespoke dental website which educates patients on the importance of good dental health and visiting the dentist on a regular basis, whilst marketing the treatments and procedures that you have to offer and your business as a whole. This website needs to be designed with search engine optimisation or SEO. There are different types of techniques and strategies which make up SEO. This includes addressing the technical aspects of your website to ensure that you are providing each visitor with excellent user experience. It includes making sure that the content of your website is up to date, interesting, engaging and in keeping with current trends. You also need to make sure that you are creating an online presence outside of your website. You need to be able to associate yourself with other trustworthy, credible websites and organisations. Helping patients to trust you and believe in the level of dental care and the quality of customer service that you are able to provide. Speak to us at Dental Focus Marketing today and find out more about a successful dental marketing campaign with SEO and how we can help improve your dental practice very soon.