Effective marketing with Dental Focus Marketing

A strong dental marketing campaign is the first step to a successful dental practice. There are many different factors that need to be taken into consideration to make sure that you have a successful dental marketing campaign. Digital marketing is the most practical way forward, and with most dental practices having a good digital marketing campaign, you will need to make sure that you are aware of the current trends and have techniques and strategies in place to help make you stand out from the crowd.

To do this, you need to speak to us at Dental Focus Marketing and delegate your marketing campaign into our experienced hands. We are professionals in creating dental websites, which is the most important part of your marketing campaign. We have almost 20 years of experience in creating marketing campaigns and websites for dental practices here in Australia and over in the UK and with a portfolio of over 1000 dental websites, with our knowledge and expertise you can rest assured that you are in great hands.

Tips for a good website

Your website needs to be modern and bespoke, and it should showcase your dental practice to its highest potential. It is the first impression a visitor will get of your dental practice; therefore, time and maintenance must be dedicated to making sure the website is a success. The website needs to tell the visitor about the treatments and procedures that you can offer and why they are important for good dental health and convince the visitor to take up your services and address their dental needs with you. A good dental website is educational, informative and encouraging, and our website design team will make sure that the content is engaging and convinces visitors to explore the website further to find out more.


Technical SEO, on-page SEO and off-page SEO are systems of techniques and strategies that work together to help you rank highly on the search engine results pages so that visitors are directed to your website before those of the other dental practices in your area. Our website design team will use their knowledge and experience to make sure that all three aspects of SEO are addressed well and help you become one of the most successful dental practices in the area.

Pictures and videos

Pictures and videos are two of the other important methods of dental marketing. Smile galleries and successful before-and-after pictures can help encourage visitors to consider their own dental health and imagine how you can help them. It gives a visitor hope that you can transform all types of smiles into beautiful, neatly aligned smiles, and it also helps them see the quality of dental care that you can offer. Pictures of the people in your team, the dental practice itself and happy patients can also be very encouraging and will help nurture and convince visitors to book an appointment and visit you in person.

Speak to us at Dental focus marketing today and find out more.