Golden rules for social media for dentists
In the world of marketing, social media has become so much more than a platform to connect with people from high school.
When it comes to sales, social media is a great platform to understand consumer behaviour and allows you insight into changing a marketing strategy that you may currently have that is not working. As well as this, social media, such as Facebook, allows for more interaction with potential patients than any other online forum, so dental surgeries need to use this platform to their full advantage.
Our team at Dental Focus Marketing knows the importance of social media for dentists relating to marketing, building brand recognition and promoting their services. So, when you come to our marketing team to begin a marketing strategy, we will always advise the creation and maintenance of a social media page that links to your dental surgeries homepage.
However, when it comes to maintaining a social media page, there is more to it than simply uploading content and getting likes. There are some golden rules relating to social media for dentists, which we will cover in this article.
Be approachable
People use social media to like posts, watch videos and network. Considering social media for dentists, you will want to be a representative of your surgery that is approachable. Try to keep any interactions that you have with site visitors light-hearted and informative, and do not be irritated or show irritation even if the poster is difficult! This will show professionalism and will link back to your dental surgery.
Be proud!
You are on social media to promote your brand, so you should be proud and talk about what it is that your dental surgery can offer that no other one can, whether this is cosmetic treatments, caring for patients who have dental phobias, or even childhood-based dental care. You should not be on social media tooting your own horn, but you should aim to make every post on your platform about your surgery and its insights into the world of dental care.
People use social media to communicate with representatives of a brand, so the team that oversees your marketing, such as Dental Focus Marketing, will use this platform to communicate with potential patients. This will usually be based on informing them of the treatments that you can offer, your opening times or answering questions about dental treatments; this helps to build trust and is great for promotion.
You will want to share content daily, as it shows your brand cares about your audience, and your potential audience may not have heard of this information yet. However, you should aim to share information that is linked to dental care, dental surgeries or world events that are of importance. You need to create a unique experience for those on your social media page, and each piece of content should carry your surgery’s tone.
Social media also offers us, as a marketing team, a great way to measure the social media strategies that are working and the ones that are not. It also will allow us to assess which of your dental surgery services people are more interested in engaging in and guiding your marketing practice in that direction, so measuring on social media is something of a given!