Having a dental website spring clean? What needs to be...
You run a dental surgery. You have a website. Great! If you are trying to attract more patients to your surgery, your website will need to be top-notch in terms...
03 April 2023
New to dental SEO? A quick introductory guide
When you are new to the world of online marketing, it can be a bit of an intimidating place. After all, regular marketing techniques tend to be based on things...
31 March 2023
What are the best platforms on social media for dentists...
Most people are familiar with social media, especially platforms like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. But, if you run a dental clinic, you may be curious as to how these platforms...
29 March 2023
Common misunderstandings about dental marketing that can be damaging
Unless you work in the industry of writing content for SEO and marketing or work specifically with Google’s algorithms to ensure that the websites you oversee are SEO-ready, there are...
27 March 2023
Why is social media a core part of dental SEO?
Most people and their great-aunts have heard of at least one social media platform. And while these networks are usually used to contact people from high school or share messages...
24 March 2023
5 things that can negatively impact your dental marketing
When it comes to marketing for a dental clinic, it is always wise to ensure that you have the right things covered; otherwise, your dental clinic will not attract new...
22 March 2023
How are virtual assistants changing dental SEO? A quick guide
If you have been out and about in a city, you may have heard someone say, “hey, Siri, find me a local coffee shop” or something to that effect. After...
20 March 2023
Common FAQs about dental marketing answered by Dental Focus Marketing
With 2023 finally here, most dental surgeries will be looking for a way to expand their patient lists and grow their businesses. And, if you haven't already, it is worth...
17 March 2023
FAQs about dental websites and marketing success answered
You would want your dental marketing strategy to be successful, especially in 2023. And, if you run a dental clinic that is looking to expand its patient lists quickly, you...
15 March 2023
Top tips for using social media for dentists
You have a dental surgery, and you have the best staff and the best equipment available to give your patients a high standard of care and cosmetic results. But, if...
13 March 2023