Need some help with dental marketing? 5 FAQs answered by...

When it comes to running a dental surgery, it is important to know what is required to make it a success. Yes, of course, you will need staff that have...

21 April 2021
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What makes some dental websites unsuccessful? Our guide from Dental...

Have you ever visited a web page and been immediately put off by its formatting? Or was there just something about it that you didn’t like? In a world where...

19 April 2021
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Is your dental surgery site not attracting patients? Our dental...

In years gone by, it was easy to attract new patients to your dental surgery. You would send out flyers to the local community and perhaps hold an open day...

16 April 2021
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Promises and proof; 2 areas of our patient attraction system...

When you are looking for a service online, how do you know that the site you have clicked on can offer it to you? When it comes to areas like...

14 April 2021
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Stuck with dental marketing ideas for 2021? A quick guide...

When it comes to attracting new patients to your dental surgery, there are a few options available to you. The first is to send out flyers to the local community,...

12 April 2021
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Curious how Dental Focus boosts your site’s rankings? 5 common...

Ever heard of search engine optimization? Or SEO? Unless you work in internet marketing, you probably haven’t and may wonder how such a thing impacts on your dental surgery and...

19 March 2021
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Want to make your surgeries presence known online? Our marketing...

Need some help growing your dental surgery? In days gone by, it was seemingly easier to spread the word of your dental surgery; you would send around flyers, put up...

17 March 2021
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Want your cosmetic dental page to stand out? 5 ways...

When you are browsing online looking at the webpages of different dental surgeries, you may have noticed a theme. Based on the type of dental surgery (cosmetic, orthodontic), the page...

15 March 2021
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Looking to boost your website’s traffic? 4 reasons to hire...

Whether you are just opening a new dental surgery or have had one for years, it is more important than ever to be able to compete on the internet. With...

12 March 2021
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Looking to attract nervous patients to your surgery? How our...

When you are trying to make your dental surgery page stand out online, it can seem overly complicated- surely a nice homepage and stylish font will do the trick? Unfortunately,...

10 March 2021
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