Paid advertising versus organic dental marketing
There are many digital dental marketing techniques which can help boost the success of your dental practice. If you are a new dental practice then you need an intensive dental marketing campaign to help attract the attention of the community, build brand awareness and invite patients to visit you in person and address their dental needs with you. If you are a new dental practice then your digital marketing campaign must help you stand out amongst the established dental practices of the area. Speak to us at Dental Focus Marketing. We are a multi-award-winning digital dental marketing team and we create five-star rated dental websites and social media accounts for dental practices across the world. We have over two decades of experience in digital marketing and we can help put together a successful dental marketing campaign for you.
Google adverts for successful dental marketing
To begin with you may wish to invest in Google ads. Google ads have been designed to help businesses such as dental practices reach specific target markets efficiently. It involves a pay-per-click marketing channel allowing you to successfully promote your treatments and procedures when prospective patients are looking to address their dental needs. Google ads help lift your website to the top of the search engine results page. This works to your advantage as the first three results on Google attract the majority of traffic for search queries. You can bid on popular keywords with regard to specific dental treatments and procedures, or dental issues such as toothache, yellow teeth or missing teeth.
Google ads can be expensive to maintain and once you have attracted a sufficient number of patients you need to switch to search engine optimisation or SEO. SEO is a digital marketing strategy which involves implementing certain techniques and strategies on your website so that it is optimised for Google. SEO helps boost your ranking in the organic search results list which is free of charge to you. Once you have a good SEO strategy in place you can attract website traffic and new patients for many years to come.
There are three main types of SEO. On-page SEO involves optimising your web pages and the content of your website to boost your ranking in the search results list. Examples of on-page SEO include keyword optimisation and content marketing. Off-site SEO refers to actions that are taken outside of your website to boost your ranking. Examples of this include social media marketing, blogging, forum posting and link building. Technical SEO is involved with improving the technical aspects of your website to achieve a high ranking in the search results list. It helps Google search, crawl and index your website quickly and productively. Examples of technical SEO include optimising page speed, making sure you have a simple site architecture and ensuring the website is functioning correctly at all times.
Speak to us at Dental Focus Marketing and find out about paid digital marketing campaigns and SEO marketing campaigns. Let us assist you by creating an individually tailored campaign strategy, suited to your business, your preferences and your budget, which will help boost the success of your dental practice.