Dental Marketing USPs

Many dentists regard marketing as a necessity and therefore not always something they need to ‘embrace’. For dental marketing to work effectively, it needs to be a ‘state of mind’, it requires a strong, consistent, long term communication of your Unique Selling Points (USPs).
To do this, one of the first things is to develop a dental website. With all the dental websites out there now, you need to stand out by communicating USPs with patients in mind. The website content should be interesting, exciting and worth knowing about.
A dental logo is not a brand. It is only a brand element. To transform your brand is not just about redesigning your logo or the ‘look’ of your website. A dental brand is about who you are and how you do things – your USPs. A patient may think that they can transform their smile, but we all know that afterwards, behind that smile is essentially the same person.
We help you develop your USPs by emphasizing your strengths i.e. the dentistry expertise, the practice, the people, the treatments and the value you are offering people. The market has become crowded with “me-too” competitors. Unless you just want to sell on ‘low price’, this is no way forward. We believe in dental marketing that enables patients to see your particular ‘point of difference’ as valid and valuable.
Always beware, of finding yourself saying the same things in the same way as other dentists. It pays dividends to talk not only about your own dental services but also about your own particular dental expertise. In other words – what makes you different? In fact, we feature on many of our dental websites a page called “Why Choose Us”. The most important USPs are about the patient experience – how will the treatment, people, environment and communication be different at your dental practice?
Remember, a website is only a reflection of you, your brand, your USPs!
Adrian Adler is “the Wizard” at Dental Focus Web Design.
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