Are your Instagram stories being watched?


Do you use Instagram stories?

Are your stories at the top of your follower’s news feeds?

Did you know the more times you post a story the harder it is for you to maintain a balanced follower to views ratio? Constantly posting jeopardises your rankings based on Instagram’s algorithm. You will want to consider your ranking based on two criteria.

  1. If users rarely post a story
  2. And if you have recently followed someone, as Instagram wants to test how likely you are to watch that story from the new account.

Another way to ensure stories are seen by your followers is to be aware about the number of posts you upload within a 24-hour period. Any more than 4-6 times extends your stories meaning your followers are less likely to keep watching the clips.

Finally, a great strategy is to utilise Live-streaming once or twice a month. You may have noticed how a user has their stream pushed to the front of an Instagram feed when they are Live and Instagram can be very generous and place your story right next to the live stream which is fantastic for visibility.

If you find there is a drop in the number of views your stories have perhaps you will need to change tactics.

Dominic Haslam

Social Media Guru

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