Everything you should know about dental SEO rankings
If you want to get more patients to your surgery and beat the competition, you need to get your dental surgery onto the first page of Google or another search engine. It’s that straightforward!
Whether your dental surgery is new or you have been working in dentistry for many years, SEO is vital to attract new patients and continue to grow your surgery. With that said, the majority of dental surgeries are now aware of how beneficial it is to invest in SEO and marketing online and are actively engaging in it.
But as SEO is not your speciality, you can expect to be a bit confused when it comes to understanding it, and that is where our team can help.
At Dental Focus, we have overseen the dental SEO of thousands of websites and can ensure that when you come to us for advice relating to SEO or marketing, you will get the specialist help that you want and need to succeed in the world of dental care.
Luckily, the ranking factors relating to dental SEO have not changed much, and in this guide, you will be shown how our team can help with your surgery website’s SEO.
Accessible website
When it comes to dental SEO, rankings and Google bots prefer websites that are easier to access. That is, if someone is searching through your website for a service, they should be able to find it quickly. This sounds easy, but it is better to have our team index your page, so it is accessible not only to those visiting the website, but also to the Google bots.
Mobile compatibility
If you are like an estimated 75-80% of people, you are reading this information on a mobile device, like a smartphone or tablet.
Indeed, this is a trend that is continuing to grow as more people purchase smartphones. So, if your dental surgery page is not optimised for mobile devices, then you may be losing out on a huge number of potential patients who may be trying to look at your surgery page. Our team will make sure that your website is accessible to smartphones and tablets to help keep you ahead of the trend!
Domain age
Research has found that the Google algorithm ranks pages higher on its search results if the website has a domain age that is more than a year. Of course, we can’t speed this up for you, but we will ensure that you keep your original domain name!
The content on your website is vital for SEO and marketing, and you need to ensure that you have all the appropriate and relevant keywords spread throughout it. As long as the blogs and landing pages on your site are unique, the rankings of your website will go up. Thus helping you to stay at the top of the search results and attract more patients.
User experience
You want everyone who visits your surgery page to have a good experience associated with your surgery. So, it is important to have a website that has a fast loading time alongside a chatbot to help patients navigate the page. And, of course, a social media presence where you can talk directly to those who post questions or show interest in your dental surgery.