The Changing World Of SEO : Dental Focus In The...
(The Changing World Of SEO, Dental Focus, Private Dentistry, February 2014) Are you interested in the changing world of SEO? If so, click below to read our dentaltown blog!...
20 February 2014
Four Big Web Trends Coming this Year
In the fast-paced tech sector, it is important to always anticipate and prepare for changing technological trends. By doing this Dental Focus are able to offer clients, up-to-date, relevant dental...
17 February 2014
Why Are Mobile Websites Essential?
The use of the internet has changed dramatically in the last five years, and this has altered the way websites need to be programmed. Originally, the majority of users viewed...
11 February 2014
Point Of Difference
A dentist needs to emphasize his/her Point Of Difference, as this will help stop their practice from becoming a “me too” and distinguish it from it’s competitors. It’s POD will...
04 February 2014
The importance for a dentist to have a website
One of the most surprising things is how many dentists still don't have a website. You’d think in this day and age, everybody would know how important a website is...
29 January 2014
How to get IAAFA Ball tickets?
Independent research (Facebook Comments) indicates that UK dentists are all asking the same question today, "How do I get my creative hands on an IAAFA Ball ticket?" We can help!...
30 November 2013
How to use a dental blog
To blog or not to blog, is that the question? The answer is to blog because Google loves fresh, original and relevant content. In a competitive dentistry market, knowing how...
26 November 2013
How to play the Dental Focus game
Our Dental Focus game to raise money for the Mouth Cancer Foundation is doing incredibly well, with only £18.62 to go before we’ve raised an amazing £1000 for MCF! ...
26 November 2013
SEO Blogging for Dentists
I often get clients asking me how they can write blogs for SEO and what they should be doing. To address this, this month’s article is about SEO Blogging. Google...
07 November 2013
Dental Implants: Showcasing Quality, Value and Service (QVS) in your...
If your website doesn’t highlight QVS, I can guarantee your competitor’s does. So let’s talk about converting dental implant visitors to dental implant patients, remember you need both Q, V...
21 October 2013
This is a term used within marketing that refers to building a brand that appeals directly to a client’s emotional state and aspirations. It triggers an emotional response. In the...
18 October 2013
Dental Implants: three reasons why NOW is the best time...
You may be considering having a dental implant for a number of reasons, perhaps you have had an accident and wish to replace a broken or extracted tooth? Maybe you...
17 October 2013