Dentistry Live Exhibitors
Krishan Joshi is giving a talk at Dentistry Live, giving a LIVE demo on "Google Page 1 rankings in under 60 minutes". The majority of delegates believe he can do...
25 May 2012
Dental Websites for Googlechondriacs
Google Suggest providing results for the most popular searches instantly as you type. Do your patients suffer from Googlechondria? They could be making themselves anxious by self-diagnosing their dental problems...
23 May 2012
Christmas Card 2011
Have a rocking Christmas and 2012 x Dental Focus Web Design aka Krishan the Master singer, Dan the Genie on drums, Adrian the Wizard guitarist and Gav the Surfer on...
21 December 2011
Ashley Latter : Dental Practice Email Enquiries
Ashley Latter, the dental selling coach, has kindly agreed for us to republish his recent articles: "Ideas on how to deal with email enquiries". Dental Practice Email Enquiries: Part 1...
08 October 2011
Marketing your dental practice: mobile 24/7
The tide is turning. A recent poll found that 53 per cent of Britons feel upset when denied access to the internet and that 40 per cent experience loneliness when...
27 July 2011
Beware Fraudulent Email Phishing Scams!
Beware! There are so many fake websites out there that look and feel like the real McKoy. How do you keep safe from hackers and phishing scams? You will receive...
20 July 2011
Dental Marketing E-Newsletter / 23 June 2011
Here is an important answer to a very popular question about dental marketing and website success. Scroll down to watch Chris Barrow's video interviews on his "7 Ps of Dental Websites". How...
23 June 2011
Chris Barrow’s 7 Ps of Dental Websites
New & Exclusive: Watch our video interviews with Chris Barrow, the UK's leading dental business coach. We go through his "7 Ps of Dental Websites". Understanding his 7 Ps is...
22 June 2011
How do I get patients from Facebook?
Word-of-mouth is the best marketing tool. You have already used word-of-mouth to grow your dental practice this far. Now 50% or more of your patients use Facebook everyday, many times...
10 June 2011
Which keywords should I target on Google?
Over 90% of UK Internet searches are on Google. You need to be found for all your dental keywords + main location. If you want to grow and expand your...
10 June 2011
Dental Marketing E-Newsletter / May 2011
To kick off the new Dental Focus E-Newsletter "Secrets", below are important dates for your diary in 2011. If you can't wait for this week's secrets, scroll down to the...
05 June 2011
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23 May 2011