Short glossary of terms in dental SEO

When it comes to attracting new patients to your surgery one of your most valuable pieces of equipment is your dental website.

But the website alone is not going to be enough to make certain you attract the right people to your surgery and there are many tricks you can use to ensure that the people in your area who are looking for dental services will come across your website first.

Our team at Dental Focus has been working with dental surgeries for nearly 20 years and knows all there is to know about dental SEO and how to attract new patients to your surgery via the Google algorithm and updating of your website. We will provide you with a personalised plan for your surgery and ensure that you see results and that your patient list grows.

But when it comes to understanding what is involved in dental SEO, it can be a bit tricky for those who are not up on the language, so to speak! And in this article, we will provide a very short glossary of terms relating to the words that you will hear our team use when you work with us.

Search engine optimisation

Search engine optimisation or SEO is what our team can offer, specifically dental SEO.

Search engine optimisation is the term used to describe how we make over your website to ensure that search engines, such as Google detect it easily and list it on the front page of any search relating to dental surgeries in your area.

SEO typically involves our team making over your website, ensuring that there are keywords sprinkled throughout it, as well as working on a blog, vlog and other important parts of the surgery site to make it more visible to the search engines.

Mobile accessibility

It’s highly likely that you are reading this information on a mobile device such as a

laptop, tablet or smartphone; this is because our website is mobile accessible.

The Google algorithm lists websites that have higher levels of mobile accessibility further up on its search pages, meaning that for your dental surgery site to rank highly, it needs to be mobile accessible, load within a set time and not glitch when it is opened on a mobile device.


Have you ever wondered how some websites get the first spot on the first page of Google?

It’s more than likely they have an awesome SEO team working to ensure that their website is SEO ready, meaning it has a higher ranking. When you come to our team at Dental Focus, we will increase your surgery’s website and its ranking on Google.

Google bots

Google bots are what our team is trying to attract when we work on your website’s SEO.

Google bots are in essence the algorithm that works to rank websites based on their mobile accessibility, keywords and the website’s logical layout. The bots control who ranks where on an internet search, so these are extremely important and we know how they work and how to attract them.


Keywords relating to dental websites will change every week, based on what is being searched for by those looking for dental surgeries. If one week we suggest that your dental blog revolves around teeth whitening, this is because this is the keyword in your area that is being searched. As you can imagine, keywords are an important part of SEO and will help with the ranking and will also help patients to find your surgery online.